






第一、企业网站建设者尽量亲自参与设计 First, the enterprise website builder tries to personally participate in the design 在收集了足够的资料之后就是进行网站的设计工作,这是建设网站的开始,而这个阶段的成果将直接影响到后续的建设工作。一般网站都会对自身有一个明确要达到的目标,而这个目标则是设计的重要参考。对于非设计专业的人员,这一步往往需要专业人士的辅助,但也不能将找工作完全放给对方,经常与其进行沟通,越在最大程度上统一双方或多方的意见,对于设计结果来说越有好处。 After collecting enough information, it is the design of the website, which is the beginning of the construction site, and the results of this stage will directly affect the subsequent construction work. The general website will have a clear goal for itself, and this goal is an important reference for design. For the design of professional personnel, this step is often need professional auxiliary, but also looking for a job can not be fully put to each other, often communicate with, the more the maximum extent, unified the views of both or all parties, the more benefits for design result. 第二、谨慎选择外包公司 Second, choose outsourcing companies carefully 现今互联网发展已经进入产业化阶段,鉴于网站建设需求的不断增长,出现了很多外包公司,这些公司往往会针对对网站建设不甚熟悉或想要节省时间的人们进行项目的承接工作。不论出于什么原因,在选择外包公司之前一定要对其进行充分的了解,并在签订业务合同之前做好考核工作。 Today's Internet development has entered the stage of industrialization, in view of the website construction demand growth, there are many outsourcing companies, these companies tend to be against the not very familiar with the website construction or who want to save time to undertake the work of the project. Whatever the reason, be sure to have a thorough understanding of the outsourcing company before you choose to outsource it, and do your assessment before signing a business contract. 现代人们对网络的需求十分多样化,有时仅仅内容上的充实已经不能满足需求了,在网站建设规定内容之外的美学修养也是直接影响网站最终效果的一项因素。因此在选择外包公司的时候需要谨慎,可以先查看其以往的作品,看看设计师对相关业务是否有自己的见解和创新等,优中选优才能最大程度上保证网站建设人才队伍的高水平。 Modern people's demand for network is very diverse, sometimes just enrichment has been can't meet the requirements on the content, the contents specified in the website construction of aesthetic cultivation is a factor directly effect the website finally. Therefore need to be careful in choosing outsourcing companies, can look at its first ever work, see if designers for related business have their own ideas and innovation, etc., the best optimal to the maximum extent to ensure a high level of website construction of talent team. 第三、注重与网站初期客户的沟通 Third, pay attention to the communication with the early customer of the website 网站建设的过程不是一蹴而就的,在网站正式运营之前往往会有一段时间的测试期,而这个阶段对企业十分重要。如果该企业同时搭配了线下业务,那么在获取用户体验方面是比较有优势的,网站建设者可以根据实时反馈的信息,做好调整工作。而如果网站只从事线上活动,那么在测试期出现的问题则需要以更快的反馈和调整速度来解决,以避免流失用户数量。这些都是网站建设前需要纳入议程的问题,并提前做好备案,以免到时候手忙脚乱。 The process of website construction is not done overnight, and there will often be a period of testing before the website is officially opened, and this stage is very important to the enterprise. If the company also matches offline business, it is advantageous to acquire user experience. Website builders can adjust their work according to the real-time feedback. If the site is only engaged in online activities, then the problems that arise during the test period need to be solved with faster feedback and adjustment speed to avoid the loss of user Numbers. These are the issues that need to be included in the agenda before the site is built, and put on record in advance so as not to be in a hurry.

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