






一、高端网站必须有科学谨慎的调研策划,只有了解客户的职业、客群、竞争对手才能够有针对性地计划网站,做到反映职业特征、适合客群、差异于竞争对手的要求。而低端网站建造没 有做过调查,你就不要盼望有这样的网站建造服务流程了。 A, high-end website must have a scientific and careful research and planning, only understand customers professional, customers, competitors to a targeted site plan, do reflect the characteristics of the professional, suitable for the requirements of customers, the differences in the competition. You don't want to build a service on a website that doesn't have an investigation.   二、高端网站从策划一开始就注重seo等网络营销基础架构,而低端网站建设在没有设置供搜索引擎搜索的关键字,便宜的网站是不会帮你设搜索关键字的,甚至你会发现你网站关键字 居然是别人公司的名称(用了别人公司网站模板的结果),至于图片的替代关键字,那更是一省了之,这样的网站就不要指望被免费的搜索引擎收录了。 Second, high-end web site from the begining we pay attention to seo network marketing infrastructure, such as the low end of the website construction in the absence of Settings for search engine search keywords, cheap web site will not help you to set the search keyword, even you will find your site keywords Was the name of others company (using the results of other people's company website templates), as for the picture instead of the keyword, that is a province of, this site don't expect to be free of the search engine included.   三、高端网站一般都有较强的针对性,根据不同企业不同的产品或服务,页面首页的链接功能就不同。而便宜网站一般即是“首页、公司简介、商品、联系方式”四大模块。 3, the high-end website generally has stronger target, according to different enterprise different product or service, the link function of page homepage is different. The cheap website is usually "the first page, the company introduction, the product, the contact way" the four modules.   四、高端网设必须重视网站的兼容性,不管哪种阅读器,翻开网站都应该是正常的,而低端网站很多没有思考兼容性,根本没有对网站进行兼容性测验,IE阅读器能翻开就好了。 Four, high-end network must attach importance to the compatibility of the website, no matter what kind of reader, open web sites should be normal, compatibility and low-end many sites have no thinking, no compatibility test was carried out on the site, IE reader can turn.   五、高端网站制作完以后必须重视售后服务,一般有标准的售后服务准则和售后团队。而低端网站一般没有好的售后服务,缘由很简单:为了更多的节省成本,他是不会有很好的售后服务。他们也不会对你们的网站推广提供跟踪服务,及时供给相应的专业建议,而专业的网站常常会给客户提供专业的技术指导,协助公司有用利用网站。 The high-end website must pay attention to after-sales service after finishing, standard after-sales service standard and after-sales team. While low-end sites generally don't have good after-sales services, the reason is simple: he doesn't have a good after-sales service to save more money. They don't provide tracking service to your website promotion, timely supply the corresponding professional advice, and professional website often to customers to provide professional technical guidance and useful assistance company make use of the site.   六、高端网站都是定制的,而低端的便宜的在使用通用模板,花一天的工时找一些同行业网站模板,改些图片,甚至只改个公司名称,logo就交货,收你几百元,大家肯定觉得便宜超值,直到某一天,你发现网站上还有和你网站很相似的另一个网站时你才知道他究竟是不是那样高端。 Six, high-end sites are custom, and the lower part of the cheapest in the use of general template, spent the day working hours to find some industry website template, change some pictures, even change a company name, logo is delivery, charge you hundreds of dollars, you must feel cheap bargain, until one day, you find a website and your website is very similar to another site when you didn't know whether he was so high-end.

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