1.要吸引搜索引擎 1. To attract search engines
Make sure the site attracts search engines. A website that is both
friendly and user friendly is also a site that makes search engines
happy. Add large amounts of text description and title in pictures, use
text navigation bar instead of pictures or Java description language
menu, avoid frame structure, Flash or any obstruction index search
engine spiders program code, add title and meta tags for each page in
the page content match, scatter target keywords and search terms within
the site, search engine for relevant search, your site can get good
rankings and included in a better directory, which can be a good way to
attract search engine. 2.增加网站地图 Add a map of your site
白钢雕塑 小型滚揉机 防火电缆 托辊设备 水刀切割机 铜钟 石雕狮子 校园不锈钢雕塑 扭王块模具页,最好附有每个网页的内容简介。站内地图不仅使浏览者很好的从你的站点上找到某些特别信息,而且它是蜘蛛爬行程序的好食物,它可以使搜索引擎很容易的索引到站点上的每一页。而且加入站内地图的好处就是你不用把每一个网页链接到主页上,只要在站内地图上做好这些链接就可以了。
No matter how big is your web site, you should join a detailed text
format standing figure on the mainland, the map of every link should
point to the website of each web page, preferably with each web page
introduction to the content. Standing mainland figure not only make them
very good from your site to find some special information, and it is a
good food, a spider crawler it makes it easier for search engines to
index to each page on your website. Also, the advantage of joining the
site is that you don't have to link every page to the home page, just do
the links on the mainland map. 3.要合理的布局 Have a reasonable layout